
Certified High
School Program

High School Education offered in
British Curriculum

School- The Way it Should Be


TeachBahrain employs
Finnish, Norwegian &
Japanese teaching methods.

Our High School Program employs the best in-class Finnish, Norwegian & Japanese teaching methods to carve out the leaders of tomorrow. We implement the British & American curricula, but our tutoring method is unique and unrivaled. Here, teachers focus on developing long term relationships with their students, and gradually transcend into the role of a mentor.

We believe in creating change at the core, modeling strong and innovative identities leading the future of humanity.


British Curriculum
Why IGCSE or A-Levels?

Establishes the most important information and skills that every kid requires, as well as a lifetime love of learning. Students who intend to continue their education in the United Kingdom or another European country will benefit from this program. Learning takes place in a playful and interactive setting.

Rather than the forced, conventional approach to teaching, our IGCSE and A-Level programmes are meant to develop an inner enjoyment of learning.


The Best

We have a small and efficient faculty, and we believe in employing the best personalities - individuals who are fit to bring out the best from every student;
Our teachers are responsible for more than just academic excellence;
They are responsible for developing a complete personality, with a strong character, career goals, life skills & time management;
As a result, our students are able to develop critical thinking and choose education for themselves, rather than being forced into it;


High School

Learning takes place in a pleasant and interactive setting. Rather than the forced, conventional approach to teaching, our educational programmes are meant to develop an inner enjoyment of learning.

Foundational Subjects
for High School


Modular Curriculum
for High School

Educational Boards
for High School


the content is under development.

A Standardized High School tests take place throughout the year. End of chapter project reports+ student conduct+ personality development+ absorption, retention, & motivation levels+ monthly tests are all accounted for in the annual report

We offer a choice between British or American Curriculum.


Start your journey with TeachBahrain

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Consultation Today


Our Highschool Programs is available in the following modes of learning