The Definitive Guide to Choosing The Right Career
Many students and adults mindlessly choose careers that do not relate to them in any way, manner, shape, or form. They do it for the wrong motives like money or trends. As a career counsellor, I always advise people to rather look for happiness and emotional attachment. Choosing a career is an important decision with real consequences, yet, people spend fewer hours researching their top career choice than they spend searching for a movie to watch!
People with the wrong career choices feel stuck beneath the weight of their decisions, and once the university fees + years spent acquiring skill + degree + aspirations + expectations of family members, friends & self-esteem adds up, it becomes virtually impossible to change careers. Continuing a career with no emotional attachment makes people feel miserable and this feeling is then transferred to other people in the workplace. Miserable teachers make the students feel miserable, and bosses their employees.
Having a strong background and experience in career management, I recommend that people spend a great deal of time planning and researching their future careers. Below are a few steps for anyone looking to manage their career. It doesn't matter if you are a student looking at future prospects, a grad looking for options, or a professional who would just like to spice things up a little.
1. Create a list of all the subjects that interest you
I know that my list is probably odd. However, it has led me to a job that I dearly love and would not give up for the world.
Don't worry about the difficulty of the subject, many students give up on their dream of becoming an astronaut or a neuroscientist because of the fear of Math, Physics, or Chemistry. Stop being afraid and learn to overcome challenges through hard work and determination. Math will not seem difficult if you are determined and nor would chemistry!
Don't choose subjects because they are easy, choose them because you find them interesting. Many students choose Business or Psychology not because they are interested in the subject or feel they have a connection to it but because they find it easier than the subjects they are actually inclined towards.
A list of all the subjects you find interesting will help you figure out what careers relate to a mix of subjects that you like and may or may not be good at.
2. Create a list of all the careers that rouse your passion
Or maybe a singer! Even though everyone I have ever met has told me that I should not quit my day job.
It does not matter if you watched CSI and decided to become a detective, as long as you feel that you have an inclination to a career, put it down. At this point, we are looking at creating an array of options to choose from.
3. Check your personality
The first time I came across the Myers-Briggs personality test in my first year of university, I was shocked as to how accurate it was at describing who I am and how I feel. Its easy to sometimes forget yourself in the chaos we live in and a personality test can be a great reminder. Since then, a few websites have popped up using the study to create programs that very accurately describe personalities, I find this test to be the most accurate so far. So head on to the website and find out who you really are.
4. Find commonalities between your personality and careers of choice
Take your time contemplate. Maybe take your work and go to a coffee shop, library or just find some time to go in to the nature and let your thoughts run free!
This is an easy step. Just look at what ambitions are common between your personality and the list you have created and narrow your list down to fewer options.
5. Make a list of things that you Desire
Fame, money, power, independence, peace, and vibrancy are just a few things people give importance to in their lives. Write down the things that are most important to you and rate them based on their importance. Narrow down your list by eliminating choices that do not meet your criteria.
6. Start researching each prospect
At this point, you should have narrowed it all down by quite a bit, but it's ok if you still have quite a few options left. After all, it is your future career that we are talking about and it's important.
Start researching your future career options and find information on time spent acquiring skills, investment, and average salary in areas of interest (ROI), best universities, etc.
7. Narrow your list down to 2 or 3 options
Use the data from your research to eliminate a few choices and simplify your options.
8. Start finding books that are relevant to these options and start reading
You should spend quite a bit of time on this step. Start expanding your knowledge of these career options by reading books that are relevant. You should be able to build quite a lot of interest in your future career in the process. You can also start watching tv shows and documentaries or listen to podcasts that are relevant to your field of interest.
9. Start reading about people in these careers and their experiences
I usually recommend watching "a day in the life of" videos and reading blogs written by professionals to get an idea of the challenges that the field presents.
10. Try to visit the workplace
Try to see if you like the ambience and atmosphere of the work environment. Remember that in most cases, people choose a career for life and it might not be easy to switch. So try to put yourself in the shoes of a professional and imagine the possibility of a future in that field. Be inquisitive and ask questions of professionals to see how they describe the field. Be neutral and ask questions that are both positive and negative.
Note: If you cannot access a workplace because it is private or inaccessible then just skip this step and rely on steps 8 and 9 to understand the career more.
Award points to the career that makes you feel happy
You should award points based on
The atmosphere and ambience you like the most
The career that you would not mind waking up to every morning
The career that offers you the best growth opportunities
The career which will help you build skill and add to your quality of life
The career which will fulfill your passion and add to the welfare of society
Now you should have a career that you have chosen through deliberate contemplation.
Things you can do to further improve in your area of interest
Start building up on your knowledge in this field
Start turning knowledge into skill. Don't wait for life to happen to you - its already happening. You have already chosen a career so work hard at it now.
Start looking into passive income opportunities. If you can make money with a small investment and start seeing returns, then why not? Or just start blogging your own journey or what you have learned - great for motivation!
Turn skill into your own start-up idea
Establish if further education adds value to your life. If it does, create a list of universities and choose the one that gives you the best value for money.
Continue to have passive income through college.
Spend some time practicing your skills in a company and always look ahead to starting something of your own one day.