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Old school teaching methods are barbaric!

October 11, 2022 a male teacher in Egypt hit a 9-year-old girl with a stick so hard on her head that she died from brain haemorrhage. So far, the authorities have only suspended him for 3 months from teaching!


Do punishments at school work?

There is no good which comes out of fear and punishments. I remember as a kid our school teachers used to come out with innovative ways to punish us. Just imagine hitting children with a steel ruler on the knuckles. If only they ever thought about using innovative ways to teach children than punish them.


I ask all my readers, who do you used to listen to or do homework for as kids? Your strict/cruel teacher or the loving/caring teacher? At least, in my case it was always the loving teachers as I never wanted to look bad to them.


How sick could a person be to use cruel punishments on innocent children?

Research has found that teachers who use corporal punishments at school are having psychological problems. It could be either because of family issues, work load, less pay or the person is just not fit for work. Releasing all your anger on innocent children is just not normal. People as such should definitely look for help! and schools should at least do one good thing for the students by working on their hiring system.


Schools have always hired people not teachers. We should not use the word teacher because a teacher is passionate about their job, a teacher loves their work and their students and you never hurt someone who you love. Rather than, hiring passionate teachers’ schools opt for people who can fill the job and benefit their organization.


Student suffering

Studies today are clearly showing a strong link behind violence (a student suffers) and psychological problems. The more a student suffers from the hands of teachers, school bullying or from parents the more they develop depression, social withdrawal, behaviour problems, anxiety, aggression or hyperactivity. All of this leads to making them concentrate less and fail at education which then the schools, teachers and parents put on the shoulders of students. This Holy Trinity is doing an amazing job that’s why this incident has happened and suicide rates are at their peak.

Parents when will you stand up for your children?

You work hard all day and pay for your children’s education. You do that because you want the best for your child. After all this hard work, why do you leave your child in the hands of the wrong people?


These businesses will never care for your children and you cannot blame them because you are passing that major responsibility of your child’s protection on someone you have just met and it is your initial responsibility. I am not saying that stop sending your children for education but keep a keen eye to make sure that your child is in the right hands. You cannot go offline after enrolling your child in a school. The responsibility of your child’s protection can and should never be in anyone else’s hand.